Fellow Reader


Saturday, July 3, 2010

Dad's Trans-Amazon

Re-blogging dad's pictures from his trip, don't ask where's him now - because I don't know!

He's being techy savvy now, bought a new notebook to upload pictures through Picasa, and by that we can know where he's been by looking at the google maps attach at those pictures. Genius.

Can't wait to talk to him, I want to ask a lot. Is that piranha? Really, U went swimming with them? Seriously, did an alligator pass through the road while you guys driving?

And he had dinner while watching Tango dance perform by the local at Buenos Aires!

The world really is his oyster for now. ^^


adzuan aziz said...

aku mahu ke amazon tapi tak de doooettt.hahah

Anonymous said...

ayah dgn anak sama2 suke travel wah!! happy family..:-)