Do I seek aproval? or am I looking for a common ground?
If you can't help to judge me, please do, I'm fine with it, but hear me out.
It was just a simple High School Biology, but when the term is in Japanese, plus the questions were 'Fill in the blank' type. I'm a dead meat! and again Hello? Biology? Enough said even in Bahasa Melayu is a complete alien language to us. ( eg: ' Respirasi Anaerob ' ) T_T
Stop.Im pulling this out, No harm can be done anymore, I'd sent the paper, with 5 blank space. I am not aiming for an A, I just want to pass it. To pass is a miracle.
and if you guys are still with me;
I purposedly pick the table by the window so that I can get fresh air, and then this mix japanese-american boy came and sat infront of me, and there goes my fresh air. ( Seriously, I didn't sleep last night, but I don't forget my shower okay. ) No doubt the rumor is true, Japanese do not take their morning shower. and No exception for mix-breed too.
Now I want to meet up my long lost scandal; dreamland! No need to hit the snooze button anymore, I am now officially off exam.

Isn't this meadow great? The bed of grass! I just need an Edward beside me, and not Robert Pattinson, because I heard he stink too.
Ps: I'm not sure about the yacht and anchor pics, but I really like it, so I post it along. And by the way in Arab my name means 'Kapal'. Figured why I have a thing for it.
just be happy and enjoy your freedom for the post-exam period ok peanut!
Yay!! I expect a looottt of pics 4rm u. hehehe.
Anyway last pic look so comfy, and yes, robert pattison is a stinko from what I heard.
nevermind peanut, take it easy. lupakan je, and anyway, uve found a vry nice place to relax and i envy you for that! cheer up! :)
mizu: yeah! aku ngah buat list nak prepare balik msia!! sgt x sabar!!
syaz: yurp, as promised, special post for you...
yana: tu la, i slept away 13 hours...ganti balik, n xnak pk dah...n dat meadow, jauh la actually, hehe, but best la..sgt tebal the grass!!
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