Nothing much. Still struggling with exams. But I can't duduk diam without posting something up. So here's a picture of what I am working on. and I did say I am that poyo on doing group potraiture. Gedik kan??? Well this is juct the cincai2 teaser. Got to do a smart crisp one after exam meh...
Priority? Now exam. So my baby camera ditinggal2kan sebentar. But here a picture of my senior who insist ( I'd rather put " He did forced me, though " ). Nonetheless, I'm surprised that, it turned not so bad at all.

Well back to paper and pen~
( and saje nak bagi SYAZ tengok satu lagi, I add another senior of mine, Jom buat comparison, and saye bet Nay lagi hensem kan~~ )
X puasnya 2 pic je! haha.
exam ma,
last three paper, it drain me out! but i promise, lots of pictures afterward kayh!
niceeeeeeee! :D
Haha. Peanut2, saya terharu la, u upload another 1 pic 4 me. :P
Mestila 4 me Nay handsome. (Kena jaga hati beliau.) :PP
Anyway, mebbe 1 day u can come and snap my pics! :P
Bila u balik ni babe~~
eyh senior lagi sorang tu muka lebih kurang macam Nay Syaz :O
hensem itu senior. hiks!~
maap ar sume taken..... by me? tak mungkin~~
ale: thanx. keje ala kadar jek ni...
syaz: hey im honoured to get u and nay photograph kot... nak? ill be back bulan puase la...
kau mmg bagus la peanut dlm hal tgkp2 pic ni..
agak2 fight dgn faiz pazanon kot..hmm~
nyway,STUDY LA PEANUT!heheh~
I'll ask nay abt it. :) hehe. excited pulak.
uisy~ ne de fight2 ni~ aku look up at him ah.. die dah consider pro.. aku noob newbie agik...
eyh mizu, aku study ni...tak tipu~~~~
syaz: tanye la~~ we can hang out gak~ XD
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